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Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.

Year 3

Dog's Trust Visit

Year 3 learnt about being safe around dogs. We understand that sometimes dogs need their own space, to eat in peace, time to sleep and choose what they want to do!



Skip 2B Fit!

Years 3 and 4 had an energetic day taking part in Skip2bfit workshops - testing out their skipping skills. Skipping was broken down for them into easy steps and all the children improved on their initial skip amount. The children had great fun and some even beat their teacher's skipping score!


3M's School Councillor Elections.

3M voted for their school councillor. They spoke very well, explaining their ambitions for the role. Well done to them all!


Year 3 & 4 (KS2L) Welcome meeting presentation

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⬆️ New Academic Year - 2024/25 ⬆️

Year 3 Science Dude workshop

Year 3 have had an exciting day learning about air, forces and chemical reactions with the Science Dude.

The children identified chemical reactions that we see everyday as well as observing some and deciding if they were chemical or physical reactions.

They learnt that if any of the following four things have changed, it tells us that a chemical reaction has taken place:

  • Temperature 

  • Colour

  • Substance (you may get something brand new)

  • Gas (a gas may be given off or bubbles may form)

The children also learnt about Daniel Bernoulli’s principle of air which states that slow moving air will stick to fast moving air and will move with it.

“I learnt experiments that I never knew existed. When I closed my eyes, I could still see the fire.” Evelinne, 3M 

“The flash paper came to a certain level and then it disappeared. I thought it was like magic!” Harveer, 3M

“It was really interesting I liked being a volunteer and answering the questions. I learnt that there are two types of chemical reactions - chemical and physical.”Rebecca, 3M 

“The Science Dude was very funny! The fire part was insane and I liked how the air launched like a million miles per hour!” Yaqub, 3M

Thank you to Science Dude for a really enjoyable experience! 

Science Dude | Party Dude Parties


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Year 3 Spring Assembly 

Year 3 celebrated the new season of spring by reciting a poem and answering questions about what happens at the beginning of spring. They happily performed in front of a packed hall of their admiring parents who were all very proud. It was all very inclusive as the audience were asked to reflect on what their own experiences of the new season and what impact this makes on their daily routines. To complete the Spring Assembly Year 3 sang ‘I like the flowers’ in a round (when voices sing at different stages in a song). Once again Year 3 lived up to expectations and were brilliant!


Year 3 Celtic Harmony Trip



Year 3 Science - FORCES

In Year 3 we have started our new Forces topic. We have been looking at how pushes and pulls affect our daily lives. We carried out an experiment and made our own mini tornados to see how the mixture would move when a force was applied. We found that when the bottle was swirled for a short amount of time, the tornado becomes smaller and slower and found that when the tornado was swirled for a longer amount of time the tornado grew larger and moved faster. It was a fun experiment. See what you think!


Year 3 Science - PLANT YOUR PANTS!

In science, we have been learning about rocks and soil.  We looked at the different layers of soil and discussed what each layer is made up of.  We also listened to a soil scientist, Dr Jen Jones, answer some interesting questions about soil and decided to find out how healthy the soil is at Galliard by planting some pants!

We have chosen two different locations (the flower beds outside our classrooms and under a tree in the orchard) and have planted some pants that are made up of 100% cotton.  We will dig up our pants in eight weeks time to see what they look like.  If the soil is healthy and full of microscopic life, there may not be much material left on the pants!  We made some predictions about what we might see and discussed which location may have the healthiest soil.  We will find out next term!




Year 3 Geography (December 23)

In Geography, we have been learning about maps and how we can use them to explore locally, nationally and globally.  We have used maps to identify human and physical features in the UK and have also learnt about how explorers use longitude and latitude to explore our world.


Year 3 Library Visits 

Year 3 all recently visited Edmonton Green Library. The children looked through the vast selection of books that was there. They thoroughly enjoyed choosing a book from a wide range of genres.

3C had a book called 'The Great Explorer' read to them. 3G had 'The Chocolate Monster’ by Pip Jones read to them. 3M had the ‘Amazing Joe’ by James Catchpole and Karen George read to them.

Some quotes from the children:

‘I felt calm when I got into the library because it was so quiet’ by Dhian (3G)

‘I was surprised at the amount of books that were in the library’ by Birsen (3G)

‘I found it really good because there were lots of different choices of books to read.’ Niamh (3C)

‘I struggled to choose a book because there were so many varieties to choose from!’ Davis (3C)




Design & Technology

Year 3 are designing their own healthy sandwich for a friend going on a trip. They are exploring different fillings, spreads and breads to decide what would be the best-balanced sandwich. The children have used prior knowledge from science of what makes a balanced diet. With this in mind the children had a taster lesson to decide on what would be most suitable.



Year 3 Diwali Assembly

The story of Rama and Sita tells of how good can triumph over evil. Year 3 have learnt about the Hindu faith and have been eager to share their knowledge in class. They have appreciated that we are all different but unique in our own special way. They worked hard to read their lines clearly and in front of a large audience. We have been amazed at how quickly they have managed to put together a brilliant presentation of the story. We are sure that you enjoyed the assembly too!  


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