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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.

Year 6

Secondary Transfer Meeting 20/09/2024

It was so nice to see so many of you at our Secondary Transfer meeting. I have attached the local authority PPT for your information.

We also spoke to you about the Herts Young Mariners trip. I wanted to further clarify that we have booked 40 places as the school must pay for all places booked even if we cannot fill the place. If initial interest now indicates that more places are needed, we are confident we will be able to increase the places.

We are also currently looking into arranging for all year 6 pupils to go to the West End to see the Lion King. We are trying to secure some extra funding to keep the costs as low as possible. You will hear more about this in the coming weeks.

Please click here to see the local authority PPT for your information.

Year 5 & 6 (KSU2) Welcome meeting presentation

Click here 

⬆️ New Academic Year - 2024/25 ⬆️

Viking Day

On Wednesday 7th February, Year 5 children all enjoyed a Viking themed day in school. Many children came dressed for the part. They were met by Viking John who told them many a saga of battles between the Vikings and the Angle Saxons. The children even had the chance to become Viking warriors. As well as this, there were stalls where the children could weave, make jewellery, paint runes, grind herbal potions, use clay to design their own pots and make their own candles. Later on, they were able to be archaeologists by digging up artefacts from the past. A fun-filled day was had by all!



Year 6 History off the Page: 1940s Homefront

Isabella in 6W

On Monday 11th December, we came in clothes that children would have worn in WW2 time. I enjoyed it because it actually felt like we were real evacuees and we had a fun time acting out different points of view like being a shop keeper or an evacuee doing the shopping. 

Rayyan in 6W

On Monday, year 6 came in dressed as 1940 evacuees. I enjoyed when we had the experience of a WW2 evacuee classroom - it was very strict but fun. The activites we did were writing about the equipment needed for air raids for example.